Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)

Lav Up For the Bargains in Umbrellas and Parasols We were lucky and by making a big purchase struck a bargain in umbrellas Following Carljle's advice "pass a favor on," we shall make you sharers in our good luck. Umbrellas with latest handles, good quality silk in and red Cheap at $3.50. Our'price Cheaper grades reduced on equal scale. a $2.50. Lingerie Parasols Reduced Lingerie is the word this summer.

If you want to be "arrived" you must have a lingprie parasol. Only a few left and these to go at great reduction, White linen, white handles $1 50, reduced to White handles $2.00, reduced to $1.19 $1,69 Agenr for McCall Patterns. September McCall Magazines for sale. You need one. Ask for McCall Fashion Sheet.

FERRELL MERCANTILE COMPANY, 19 PRINGLTON AVENUE BLUEFIELD WEST VIRGINIA is the largest seller, cut out this advertisem*nt and send, together with 2c stamp, to R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Winston-Salem, N. and they will mail free a 5c sample of this tobacco. Write your name and address plainly.

Radford Brick Company Office and works Bt TIP TOP, on Clinch Valley Division ol Norfolk and Western Railway. We have on hand at present ONE MILLION BRICK of all kinds. Write or call ai works for pries. Qeo, Shafer, Superintendent COLLEGE OF CfcrlstoplioavXomcKins, K. Dean Departments of Mo'dicine.

Bentistry and Pharmacy The Sixty-eighth Session will commence September 25, 1905 with Thorough Infraction in ipped Laboratories, all i Ivaltentlsry Hospital, For Catalogue, mldren OP. F. H. 8EAOE, RMaMd, Keystone News Notes Mis. Zink and child returned Monday from Moneta, Va, where they have been visiting relatives for several weeks.

Miss Nets Nowla left yesterday tor bor home at Roxnuke after spending several wteke with Mra. 0. F. Soitb, of Bark. C.

A. Manle, if PbiladtlpMa baa recently been appoints general ager of the Flat Top Stove and Fonn dry at Keystone. Mr. and Maale will maks their fcture home here, having tented In Dr. Epllng'0 residence Mrs B.

W. Taompson and two Hits Ellzabtth Baker, of Blnefieia, children of Laranier, who was the gnest rf friendg here Monday. The Wi baseball team will play here Saturday and Sunday. These games are in the contest for the cbamplonehip ol the coal fit 13. The Montlfletio Social Glnb held a meeting Snnday sight at their hall.

number of matters of moment were disonsrei and the etsnon wae tery interesting. Invitations are oat for the welding Jennie Leblsng, of New York, Mr. Samnel H. Kitzen. The event will take place Snnday, September hirf, Bt the bride's home in New Fork City.

Mr Eatzen will leave or Hew York on the 28th of this month. Don has returned from Blacksbnrg, Va. Mra. A. Miohelson has returned rom White Salphnr Springe, whor* ihe hae been for ssveral weeks.

A Thomaa has returned from Pnlaski. Many Shore will go Wilcoe today on business Dr. Tolridge, of Wllooe, was in he city this week on business. The Board of Trade hold an impotent bnsiofsj masting yesterday evea- Mrs. J.

F. Bntts, who has been In very bad health, is somewhat 1m- roved at pie e.t wilting Simon and W. Bank's chil- ren retnrcel from Yellow Sniphnr prings I been spending several weeks with her sister, M's. R. A.

Hlggins left last week to relatives at Abiadgon, Va. After spending some time wltb them she icllt return he: home in Wyoming. J. F. Bnile, of Keystone, has re tamed Jroni a visit tJ Atingdoa, Va Abe Block, of Baltimore, ie the gntst of Nathan MichelsoD Miss Jones, of Cincinnati, Ohio, ie visiting tbe Misses Dennmore.

A. C. Thomas, who baa been vis ting Pnlasfci, returned on Sunday. Mies Georgia Thomfls is visiting her sister at Wilooe. Emannel Shore Is on a visit to Tip Top.

The result of f-e ball game on Sunday between Gary and Kejetose was 7 to 5 in of the iatisr Tbe pitching for both teims was good, bit eeveral costly errors were made on both teams. Mrs. P. Landon was visiting Mr. Landon's patents at Pocahontas on Saturday K.

gave an impromptus dance at the Keystone club room Saturday eveniog. (jpits a number were present and a pleasant time spent by all Miss Ida Shore baa Marned from Tip Top where she has been spending tae summer. Mrs. Samnel Hermanson and children left on Snnday for Baltimore to visit her parents. MM OFFICER CHARGED WITH PRISONER'S ESCAPE 'rincipal In Sunday Battle Gets Away and There is Trouble.

Norton WES again the scene of anther fierce hattlo on Sunday morn- ng. This time it was in the west of tbe city and created an excitant unprecedented in the town's hia- cry. It began with a desperate fight atween Crlt Delp and his wife, luth whom were nnder the iuftaeace of hiskey. Officer Tom Dsaa soon speared cpoc the ssene end with him hnier citizens. Then tre Sgbt general between Dalp and ife agatost the combine, Wlcches- rs Siailli WessoEs, Irer Johnsons, rocka and otber weapons were evidence.

Finally Delp and wife ere overpowered and imprisoned At tbe trial yesterday on various barges, Cotnmonweslth's Attorney oteon being present, the mayor's otn, Delp and wife were fined on fierent cbaigei, the snm of $200, nd requited tJ give bond for biah was sot foitooaiiog, and they ere given over to tbe care of Officer sun until a reasonable time to give ocd or go to joll. Mbntlay nlgbt Dalp, aftor sccarlng 1 the money he had, deliberately alked sway irom Dsan and escaped tbe mountame. There was more ic'tement Tuesday morning. Officer BID was immediately arrested, his nice declared vacant, and tae was uglj gaatdei yesterday awaiting rial apon the grave charge of assht- ng Delp to escape There IB a good eal of comment and something of nterest may develop. Officer Dasn'e elde of this qaeeiion will be beatrl Bt be trial.

Delp has alwsjs been coc- red a dangerons character, and las been employed both by tbe town tbs Norton Coal Company at var ons times in the past few years 88 pscisl police. Wben not drinking ie makes a good officer among miners, tlnob interest is now centered on the rial Officer Deaa, a report of which will be given later. Henry Hall and Cbas. Brewer, bis on-in-law, eiill linger near death Both cases are well nigh hopeless. eport of this shooting appeared in a scent issue cf tba Telegraph.

It raa a shooting scrape between Hall nd Brewer, bcth receiving fatal ronnds. At first no hope held nt tor Brewer Ke now baa tie'tet- er chance, if there is auy difference all Hall has continually grown woree. Telegraph want adg bring tesalfa Son of Judge 8 ran no Sucided Henry Brannon, aged twe tv fonr yean, aanimtiteH fit noon Moodaj at bis faiber'e borne at Wes ton. He WSD for leveial days He had apprised membeia of tbe family of bis Intention A sister, M8 Mary Wfteljn, entered his room as he plsced tbe pietrl to bis temple Tlisy straggled fur the possession of the tol, bnt be sni seeded In firing tLe shot and died 2mrg: Inetintly. Yonng Brannon was yoanger son of Jndgo Henry Branron, of tbe State BKpiema oonrt.

The Working Man It is a. pleasure to use your hard punned money to clothe and few! your ones Tlnre nmy not be inuoli left--still it iis good to kuow those love are provided for. What provision you made for them incase of Who will care for them then? 1 want to show yon sound, paying life insurance policy, i proposition "lor trie working man. No matter how limited your means are, I can place life insurance within your reach. H.

HASLEV, General Agent Corner Higglnbotham ind Princeton Avenues Burglar Has Not Been Canght Tbe rapoit from Russell connty la the bnrgHr who atteoipted to shoot Mis Stnart, wife of C. Stuart, at their home at Elk BaiHea, la tt) 11 at large, but that no soita are being spared to effect tils capture. Officers along the railroad are on the lookout for tbe bnrglur. It later develop tbtst the burglar shot at s. Stnatt before she bad srisea from bed, instead of while she was parading him.

Trying to Sell New Gar Coupler Sam Wiight and Vines, of HuntiDgton, who daring the mocth of May received a patent on ftmm car coupler, sie in Boaoobe in ccosDlta- tion with prominent officials of tbe Norfolk and Western relative to purchasing tbe conpler. It IB understood that tbe Norfolk and We tero has already offered big sam tbe patent, 8 anm that would make tbe gentlemen riob. Ensley baa a good proposition for the workingcaan on page 5. FIENDISH SUFFERING rftsn cuased sores, olc-isand cancers, that eat away yonr skin Wm Bedell, sf FMt Reck, gays: "I have nwd Bnoklen's Arnloa Salva, for nlcers, ies and cancers It is the best healing cheesiEs I ever fonnd." Sotnes and heels cnls barns and ecslJe. 25c.

at all drag stores; gnsranteed. Mr. Working Man Eaeley's ad on page will be interesting tc Bargains in Desirable Real Estate I. Lot n3Hx30ft on Main street, center cf oity, backing on passenger, express and freight ttition Fine light manufacturing, wtoleanle salesroom site. Pi ice $1,200 One acre next Methodist pat souage.

near centre of city, Baater- dam cresk on rear of property, dwellings can be bnilt to anil well of convenience of location, about 1,000 feet from street our line. Price $1.000. 8. Five aerar, high, covered with shade trees, jmt above Highland avisone, best residence section, near Graham cillege, opposite Lutheran ohnreh. Price per acie Mill bnllding OQ Blnestone tivtr.

large piece of land, adjoining arte-ian wtll eplendid water supply frjm Bloeitone on propfrty, artefian well water can be arranged for. $1 000. Manufacturing sites, level on Blnestone river, railroad street. Many convenient business and ridenoe o'ty water, electric at very low prices See mr liar. 8.

Well built office building for ale Cost over $3 000. Can be pnt shape at small cost to bring in handsome retnrn on Investment. 9. Two-story duelling on tbiee ote, near Preabjt'jriun church and Graham high school Price $1,300. 10 Cottige on two 1 ti, eame block on TazeweU avenne, splendid location.

Prios 1900. II. ArranRemente will be made with builders end real estate operators to bouses for sale, lota to be fni mshed, or on other good bnsiniss plans with leaponsible paitief Thtre an urgent demand for houses at GltBham. Address: QRAHAM LAND AND IMPROVE MENT COMPANY, Walte' Giaharn, Preii'ent and Triaanrtr, Graham, Va. Piiae 6 laod, and 7.

Over on page 5 in Eaeley's ad is something for the man who tjils Take Off I'oorSMrt and phone to us No. 108 and We Do lie Rest BLUEFIELD STEAM LAUNDRY W. CROCKET Undertaker Embalmer. Hearses and ai Reasonable Rates. Everything TsloDDons No.

j82. PrlRM BcndlBC, Blind 182. Alarm In Bed Room Southern Real and Collect Estate A Offices Par's Building Bland Street wl)l sell jou a iik'o House on tasy Payments Lot and Build House to Suit Buyer. We Have Houses for Rent. All kinds of collecting given prompt attention by an experienced collector.

See J. A. Donahue, (i. Barger or J. Frank fllaynarri TheKEYSTQNEHOTEi U- A SHELTON, Prop $2.00 Per Day.

first Class Accommodations. clal Rates and Free Sample Room. Keystone, West Virginia AND CORE THE WITH OUGIISand Priro Free Tficl. i Surest and Quickest Cure for all and LUNG TEOUB- 1 IE" 1 or MONEY BAOE. HT.

ST. JOSEPli'S COLLEfiSl Station BsJtjrnore, MtL Under Supervision uf Xoverlen Brothers Flno iii till drill IIK iif 11 ii iniuicrit litiUdlnirs f-xtciislvi (uittHP 1 jil. ii'iillflc mill roiuwt-n ml Uferw confer- nd. AlUliUm IITIIIH iiKx'tnits. Cnlaloinif IMDOUIi ttir CULTIVATES TIIW I11.AKT AND MIND AMJ 'inn BODY Tlioroueh course In MEDICiXE.

SURGERY, OBSTETRICS and the SPECIALTIES; alsa DEHmrRt. in Lecture Halh, Laboratories, Ho'piul and Dispucsi- rics amply equipped for successful teaching Scrcnty Teachers. record before State Boards. For IjO-page Calalnguc 8, THE PROCTOR SflLOBYTHE IDEAL SHOE CO. Bluefleld, Va Blueiield Electric Supply Construction Co.

Successors to BREEDLOVE EVERYTHING Onll to seo us want your bonso wlred Phonell02. No, 8 Higginbotham Ave. YOUR CREDIT is WITH THE BLUEFIELD MDSE. EXCHANGE FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. do all kinds ot REPAIRING VAENIBH1NO.

A A18 wk forsl I) A MONG all the terrible di- HUhterH of the labt two years there are a very FEW IJOKROBS which stand very prominently forth. You will recognize them, every one: rho Iroctuolfi Fire, The Hlnklnn of the rtur- or tlif siocuin. Subway Miloslnn, Th- Tunnel Disaster "World's bptclul Kiillwio INH9tt be "Wreck the Bnntci Fe. MitrkU, '1. Rnll- i Tbe rsey Suburban Wor, Turk iL Hotel Fires, Hiumburs he Mentor hlo.

Railway Wreck In pry ODf 1 ol These The Travelers Paid Large Benefits the I or the families of the killed 1 in the last ttto alone, Glet an Accident Policy DO IT NOW. Claude tt. floss District Agent, S4 Bland St. BLUEPIELU. W.

VA FLESH FOOD ewtfS. idoseri aadWOBU -r years. bcicvcr applied It It imtaatlj throurb tbe yim its won- n-iujtlon fctdi tbe wutisg tlMBta, i I WRlNKLCiB it by nEfffc, often tfeBWfe remarkable Improwmest Dr. PfeaS ftradfe cmlr preparation hoown to tbat nil! round pf6du-a tirm, arms jads, For Devotoplog Bust or lirecstH shrankeafro Ol Nest of pttyttdant. ara offea to aUtJkd tttt fu SOZ.O BV DSfAK.TMBNT8TOBJl3A.ja) DRUGGISTS egular price.

fU tke advanta rice, (1.00 box, but of thli aSCUl, Ofnl md good ai onu dollar, tf 111 send ivo ffl in plain wrapper. box and oar bock. "Art of jajt," fuliv wlfi Ia4y senilnj 10 CBQD gjj Adtress DR. CHARLES fret to an) 051 of COLIC, CHOLE8A AFW Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will Invariably care an ordinary attack of It has been nsed in nine epidemics of dysentery with perfect BUOCC9B. It can always be depended npon.

even In the more eerers attacks of cramp colio and cholera morbus It la equally sncoeasfnl for summer diarrhea aud cholera Infanttnnin children, and is tbe means of savinjj the lives of many children ench year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home Buy It now. It may save life. PRICK, 25c. LAROE SIZE, BOo.

Sold by WHITE'S PHARMACY J'WE 11, 1905. Leave Bluefleld 10:06 a. m. for Roanoke iynolibnrg, Norfolk and all Doints en the Abcmandoah division. Pullman alnepor 'loanoke to New York, via Hageratown.

Parlor car Koatioke to Norfolk. in. dally for Roanoke ana Inter- nedlate points. dally for Koanoke Lynoh- DTR and IntQrraedlate Btatloni and tbe benandooli Vi -ay, Philadelphia and New Sleeper to Philadelphia. .00 p.

'or Roanoke, Lynchbarg, Bloh- norrt, Norfolk Fallman aloeppr Enst Rndford to Norfolk andLynchbnrctoBlch- nond. Cafe oar. Treina arrive at Blneneld. from the iSast at in a rn 1 85 8:00 p. and 8:10 p.

m. from- the Weit at 8:20 a. 6:56 a m. m. 8:60 p.

Leave Blnifleld 8:10 p. for Kenovat niifl oil polntj West and North- Pnllman for Columbus ftnd- OhJo Oftfe car. 1 25 a m. for Keuova, Oinclnnntl, Ports- ThrnngaPoll- IT nlrt-BTtf, Oolum'biia Oafe car. Leave 8 R5 a.

m. and m. dfttlrfo? vze'well, Norton and all Btation? nn OUnah 'v valley division. Arrive from Norton and polati on tbe illnoh Valler dlvnton at Sill p. m.

m. Leave I'M m. for Welch la- stations. For Pocahontas a. a. and 8:10 p.m. Arrive fromPooahoatas tt a. 9:66 a. m. :05 p.m.

and 8:60 p.m. For Bramvell, leave Blnefleld 'M a. m. 3:30 p. and 8:10 p.m.

Call on atent Norfolk and Weitgrn inlliray, for tmketi, mapi and additional aformatton. W. B. BEVILL, fl. P.

A. REViVO RESTORES VITALIHf Made a Well Man i. of Me. men will recover thoir jonthlul vigor 67 Bring IETXTO. It 1 neca, Vitihtj.

ImptitencT. Nlibllr Emliuow jost Tower, Falling Momoiy, Wistlna ell fdccta ol tcli-iboso or oiCKBina Indiscretion, ot only cures by Efjri tag at tlioMit ol disease, sgrent nerve tonic rad Wood bolldor, btlwi- Ing back tbe pink glow to pale cbeefes ina taring tne fire ot yontb. It warts off atfi Conflnmptlon. on baling otter. It cm DO cuxiod In feet ST jntli.

Raleigh Street Phone No. 44 OperpMHiire.or sx tlve -HTltten Rmnmtee to rare or icfoiU) the moncv. Boofe nd advise KS Crockettja (JooaykooaU INFWSFAPF.Rf INFWSFAPF.Rf.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.