Measuring Impact: Navigating High-Quality Research f... | Gizmos (2024)

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Measuring Impact: Navigating High-Quality Research f... | Gizmos (1)

Are you curious about the research that goes into educational technology? We have all of the angles covered. This is the first in our five-part Measuring Impact Series.

Over the past few years, educational technology has become a mainstay in the classroom. The disruption to in-person learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic forced many districts to rapidly adopt a variety of digital tools to support their teachers and students' learning needs.

The evolution of edtech: Trends and challenges

A recent report from LearnPlatform found that the number of edtech tools used by a school district increased by 2.5 times from 2018 to 2020. Groups like the EdTech Evidence Exchange referred to the explosion in K-12 edtech spending as the “Wild West,” with educational technology tools being developed and adopted faster than districts or researchers could carefully assess the product, analyze prior research, and put plans in place for how they would measure and track student learning outcomes. The number of edtech tools used in schools has only continued to increase since 2020, with the vast majority of districts today utilizing 1-to-1 computing for students of all ages.

Selecting the right edtech products

Today, as several existing funding programs that supported the rapid expansion of technology in the classroom are set to expire, school administrators are making hard decisions about the effectiveness of technology and which technology programs to keep. Policymakers, administrators, and teachers are reflecting on the past four years and asking important questions about the products that students have been using:

  • How can we make smart decisions about which edtech tools for teachers to choose?
  • Are these programs making a difference in teaching strategies and student learning? How do we measure the relevant outcomes?
  • How do we use this knowledge to improve implementation and usage?
  • How can educators affect change in products?

In the following Measuring Impact Research Series, we will explore how educators and administrators can use the answers to these questions to guide their edtech evaluation and selection and discuss how the Research, Data, and Product teams at ExploreLearning address these questions in their approach to developing and refining our STEM learning tools for K-12 students.

Decoding “research-based” claims

How can teachers, school leaders, and administrators make sure that they are selecting the right products?

Products often state that they are “research-based,” but understanding the research and how they evaluate the tool may not always be easy. At a minimum, effective educational solutions must be grounded in research in the learning sciences. Educational researchers have been studying how people learn for decades, and the knowledge from this empirical literature should directly inform all parts of an edtech program. Moreover, products need to be informed by most recent empirical research. As new research emerges, it has the potential to debunk long-held myths (for instance, the incredibly pervasive and potentially harmful myth that persistent learning styles exist). Critical evaluations of the research used by product developers, ensuring that the empirical research supporting the program's design is recent and high-quality, can help give us increased confidence that the product will deliver on its promises.

Driving impact: Evaluation research and student learning outcomes

While learning sciences should inform product development, reality doesn’t always reflect the ideal learning conditions. User research is also a critical component in the design process, guiding developers to create products that address the specific needs and preferences of their target audience. Gathering insights from potential users allows for the creation of intuitive interfaces and features that enhance usability and engage students.

Post-launch, ongoing user research enables developers to gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, and iterate upon their products to better serve the evolving needs of learners and educators. By prioritizing user research throughout the development lifecycle, edtech companies can ensure that their products are not only technologically sophisticated but also genuinely effective tools for enhancing evidence-based teaching and learning experiences.

Evaluating edtech impact and measuring success

Finally, products should regularly conduct research evaluating the impact of the product on student learning, academic achievement, and other desired outcomes. By systematically evaluating the performance and impact of edtech tools for students across various demographics, developers can identify potential disparities and address them through targeted enhancements.

Furthermore, evaluation research helps determine the most successful implementation strategies, providing valuable insights for educators about seamless technology integration into their instructional practices. Ultimately, by prioritizing evaluation research, edtech developers can refine their products to maximize their effectiveness, thereby fostering equitable access to quality learning experiences for all students.

Towards a brighter future: The promise of edtech research for educators

When product design and implementation are guided by scientific research on how students learn, active solicitation of feedback from diverse users, and evaluation research that demonstrates measurable outcomes in real classrooms, edtech has the potential to create equitable, inclusive, and effective learning environments that prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century.

About the Author

Measuring Impact: Navigating High-Quality Research f... | Gizmos (2)

ExploreLearning Senior Researcher Megan Conrad, Ph.D.

Dr. Megan Conrad, Senior Researcher for ExploreLearning, shares her insights in our Measuring Impact Series. In her current role, she works with district administrators, curriculum coordinators, and teachers to uncover evidence of student success from product usage and helps districts make evidence-based decisions regarding product implementation.

She earned her Ph.D. in Psychology (specializing in Developmental and Cognitive Science) from Rutgers University and has 15 years of experience designing and conducting research in child development, learning environments, and youth & technology. She previously worked in higher education as an Assistant Professor of Psychology and founded a research lab that explored children’s STEM learning in informal learning settings.

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Measuring Impact: Navigating High-Quality Research f... | Gizmos (2024)


How do you measure the impact of your research? ›

Research impact is often measured using quantitative methods such as citation counts, the h-index, and journal impact factors. It can also be described qualitatively. Currently, there is no one tool or system that completely measures impact.

How to evaluate research impact? ›

Evaluation doesn't have to be difficult or labour intensive; the most important thing is to capture information (data, case studies and quotes etc.) that can effectively and concisely demonstrate your impact, and give a comprehensive picture to the project undertaken.

How do you track research impact? ›

To track research impact, utilize both quantitative and qualitative measures. Quantitative metrics may include citation counts, journal impact factors, and download statistics.

What is research impact metrics? ›

They are quantitative indicators or measures that provide some evidence of the impact of a research output. A research output can be a journal, a journal article, a book, book chapter or the overall research productivity.

How do you calculate impact factor in research? ›

Thus, the impact factor of a journal is calculated by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous two years (see Figure 1).

Can you measure impact in qualitative research? ›

Qualitative data therefore cannot really be said to measure impact, because it doesn't measure anything, but it can be a valid method for assessing impact. Qualitative data can be turned into quantitative data, but the numbers that result may not be very reliable.

How do you measure the effect of research? ›

There are dozens of measures of effect sizes. The most common effect sizes are Cohen's d and Pearson's r. Cohen's d measures the size of the difference between two groups while Pearson's r measures the strength of the relationship between two variables.

How do you find the Impact Factor of a research? ›

Impact Factors for scientific journals can be found in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database, which is available from the Research Medical Library. You can view all journals at once, search for a specific journal title or choose a group of journals by subject area.

How will the impact be measured? ›

Measuring Impact depends on the purpose, available data, and stakeholder perspective. Various metrics can be employed to assess Impact, but it often involves assumptions and estimations. Transparency in these assumptions is crucial for effective communication between decision-makers and stakeholders.

How do you ensure research has impact? ›

To increase the likely impact from a research project, activities and outputs need to focus on your research aims, while also encouraging stakeholder involvement and support. You can achieve greater impact by ensuring that your activities and outputs communicate the aims of the project.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.