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About this mod
My contribution of patches for mods that constitute Ryn's Skyrim.
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Ryn's location overhauls are a great addition to Skyrim. Covering many different areas, and also being an ongoing project, there is an ever-increasing number of conflicts with other mods. Since Ryn has decided to not create any 3rd-party patches himself, that is being left to other modders, resulting in some of his mods severely lacking patches to other mods, as well as DLCs. This collection mostly consists of patches for the mods I am using, which previously didn't have a patch. Czasior has also contributed with a few patches. As of version 2, this should be the most complete patch collection for Ryn's Skyrim to date, and will hopefully be expanded into a more complete collection in future (when my collaborators have time; I have done most of my part).
List of patches
- Ryn's Alchemists Shack - Landscape and Water Fixes (fixes bleeding ground inside the shack)
- Ryn's Alchemists Shack - Vigilant (conflict resolution on navmesh)
- Ryn's Anise's Cabin - USSEP (properly assigns ownership to all items touched by the mod)
- Ryn's Azura's Shrine - 3DNPC (shifts one sitting marker. Patch created by Czasior)
- Ryn's Azura's Shrine - Enhanced Landscapes (adjusts three mountain parts. Patch created by Czasior)
- Ryn's Azura's Shrine - Moon and Star (adjusts a few elements to prevent clipping. Patch created by Czasior)
- Ryn's Azura's Shrine - No snow under the roof (moves three snowdrifts. Patch created by Czasior)
- Ryn's Azura's Shrine - Armor and Clothing Extension (moves a sack into a different position. Patch created by Czasior)
- Ryn's Azura's Shrine - Encounter Zone Overhauls (adds an encounter zone to the new dungeon to make it consistent with mods such as Arena and Open World Loot)
- Ryn's Bleakwind Basin - Giant Campires Cast Shadows (adjusts lighting to new campfire location)
- Ryn's Bleakwind Basin - Landscape and Water Fixes (fixes vertex paint under the water)
- Ryn's Bleakwind Basin - Turn of the Seasons Icy Waterways (adds ice to the expanded lake during winter)
- Ryn's Dragon Mounds - Fall of Granite Hill (conflict resolution on navmesh, some minor placement fixes)
- Ryn's Dragon Mounds - Oblivion Gates Remade (conflict resolution on navmesh)
- Ryn's Dragon Mounds - LOTD Pale Pass Extension (conflict resolution on navmesh)
- Ryn's Farms - Riften Extension Southwoods District (update of Janosz' patch to recent versions of the mods it is patching. Includes multiple bugfixes. Adds a more natural entrance to Amberleaf Farm and moves some of the cows to a new pasture. Requires Riften Extension version 1.5 or later and Ryn's Farms version 2.0 or later)
- Ryn's Farms - Ryn's Standing Stones - Riften Extension (resolves landscape conflicts with the above patch)
- Ryn's Farms - Riften Extension Northshore District (general patching; changes the layout in some areas around Merryfair Farm to accommodate as much as possible of both mods. Thanks Gutmaw for providing a unique mesh for this! Requires Riften Extension Northshore version 1.3 or later)
- Ryn's Farms - Riften Extension Northshore - Riften Docks Overhaul (navmesh patch between the above patch and the Riften Docks Overhaul patch at Northshore's mod page)
- Ryn's Farms - Unique Windhelm Farmhouses (general patching; also replaces the Windhelm windmills with a unique variant, with optional Simplicity of Snow version)
- Ryn's Farms - USSEP (moves crimson nirnroots that get enabled at Sarethi Farm after finishing "Return to your Roots" to a more consistent location; restores the position of a bleeding bush)
- Ryn's Farms - Landscapes and Water Fixes (forwards/adds ownership fixes for all crops and animals at the farms. Makes nirnroots regrowable at Sarethi Farm for consistency with game lore. Forwards landscape conflicts. Requires the USSEP patch above)
- Ryn's Farms - Immersive Citizens (conflict resolution on landscape and navmesh, adjusts some barrels and a bunch of idle markers to modified farm's layout. Patch created by Czasior)
- Ryn's Farms - Mihail's Haystacks (adjusts haystacks placement to match the modified farms layout. Patch created by Czasior)
- Ryn's Goldenglow Estate - USSEP (forwards Encounter Zone data)
- Ryn's Goldenglow Estate - Landscape and Water Fixes (ownership fixes on some objects)
- Ryn's Goldenglow Estate - Seasonal Alchemy Add-On, critter plugin (attaches seasonal script to added bees)
- Ryn's Karthspire - Landscape and Water Fixes (landscape vertex colour fixes)
- Ryn's Karthspire - Embers HD (fixes floating embers)
- Ryn's Karthspire - ezPG (forwards persistency to one object)
- Ryn's Karthspire - Soljund's Sinkhole (conflict resolution on landscape)
- Ryn's Lost Valley Redoubt - Legacy of the Dragonborn (moves and enlarges a trigger box so the museum display will appear after clearing the camp. Moves a bleeding chest)
- Ryn's Lost Valley Redoubt - Embers HD (resizes some embers and adjusts their position)
- Ryn's Lumber Mills - Fishing (CC) (moves fishing supplies so they don't bleed into the clutter added by Ryn's)
- Ryn's Lumber Mills - CFTO (adjusts position of ferry drivers and nearby objects to the new environment)
- Ryn's Lumber Mills - Seasonal Alchemy Add-On (usesBase Object Swapper to bring more appropriate form swaps for potatoes grown in snowy areas, adapted to Seasonal Landscapes - Unfrozen; spring: frosty sprouts, summer: normal potato plants, autumn and winter: no plants)
- Ryn's Lumber Mills - USSEP (fixes ownership for one of the chickens, corrects spelling of Half-Moon Mill)
- Ryn's Lumber Mills - Landscape and Water Fixes (various ownership fixes)
- Ryn's Lund's Hut - Alternate Start Live Another Life (conflict resolution on landscape and navmesh)
- Ryn's Lund's Hut - Legacy of the Dragonborn (forwards persistency to one object)
- Ryn's Lund's Hut - USSEP (fixes incorrect door type)
- Ryn's Mehrunes Dagon's Shrine - ELFX (disables all objects added by ELFX to the dungeon. Optional ELFX Enhancer patch adjusts light settings to ELFX Enhancer)
- Ryn's Mistwatch Folly - Draugr Upgrades and Improvements (replaces all added non-levelled skeletons with appropriate variants from DUI, conflict resolution on Vanilla draugr)
- Ryn's Mistwatch Folly - USSEP (replaces one of the separate table/bench pairs with an appropriate object. Fixes encounter zone data for some objects. Adds the Mistwatch Encounter Zone to the new dungeon)
- Ryn's Saarthal - USSEP (adds an encounter zone to relevant objects. Forwards object type change from USMP to one pot. Adds "Doesn't Bleed" flag to the boss)
- Ryn's Secunda's Kiss - Embers HD (adjusts postion on some embers)
- Ryn's Ustengrav - USSEP (adds encounter zone to relevant NPCs and objects. Forwards cell data fixes. Disables objects hidden inside the added mountain)
- Ryn's Valtheim Towers - USSEP (corrects location name)
- Ryn's Western Watchtower - USSEP (removes "Is Full LOD" flag from dragon spawn markers. Conflict resolution on navmesh)
- Ryn's Alvor's and Sigrid's House - ELFX*
- Ryn's Faendal's House - ELFX*
- Ryn's Hod's and Gerdur's House - ELFX*
- Ryn's Sven's and Hilde's House - ELFX*
- JK's Ryn's Riverwood Trader - ELFX* (patches only provided for Czasior's patch for JK's Riverwood Trader)
- JK's Ryn's Sleeping Giant Inn - ELFX* (patches only provided for Czasior's patch for JK's Sleeping Giant Inn)
*) These ELFX patches come with versions for both regular ELFX (with fixes from ELFX Fixes forwarded where appropriate) and ELFX Shadows, with options to forward data from ELFX Enhancer and Sounds of Skyrim into the plugin. The lighting is closer to ELFX, but still keeping some elements from Ryn's.
Patches provided elsewhere
- My patches for Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods can be found here (should now fully complement the patches found elsewhere): Various Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods Patches
- Patches for Seasonal Landscapes - Unfrozen are available here for all of Ryn's mods that need it: Seasonal Landscapes - Unfrozen - More Patches
- A patch between Ryn's Farms and Open Cities is available here: Jonado's Open Cities patches
Load order and compatibility
- The ELFX patches must load last of all mods that affect the same cells, otherwise you will not get the intended light settings. Moreover, Ryn's Lund's Hut does not need any patch as long as EnhancedLightsAndFX.esp loads after Ryn's Lunds Hut.esp.
- The patch between Ryn's Farms, Riften Extension, and Ryn's Standing Stones is not needed if using the Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods patch for the same mods. Also don't use the patch found at Ryn's Skyrim Official Patch Hub. It is outdated.
- The Ryn's Farms - Riften Extension Northshore - Riften Docks Overhaul patch should not be used together with the Ryn's Farms patch at the Riften Docks Overhaul page.
- The Ryn's Farms - Riften Extension Southwoods patch is not compatible with CACO Farm Overhaul (neither is the Northshore patch). There is a patch for that combination at the original mod page, but it is not compatible with the most recent version of Riften Extension. My original intent was to carry over the CACO Farms part of that patch into a new patch, but I found it too much work for a mod I don't use myself. Perhaps it will be added to this page in future, but don't count on me to do it. The same goes for the Rift's Rest patch, except that that mod doesn't interest me the slightest.
- Ryn's Alchemists Shack - LAWF patch.esp and Ryn's Bleakwind Basin - LAWF patch.esp are not needed together with the Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods patches for the same mods.Ryn's Karthspire - LFfGM patch.esp must load after Ryn's Karthspire - LAWF patch.esp.
- Ryn's Farms - RiftenExtNorth patch.esp andRyn's Farms Grass Fix.esp must load after Ryns_Farms_-_LAWF_patch.esp.
- Ryn's Anise's Cabin.esp must load after Ryn's Standing Stones.esp. No patch is needed if respecting this.
- If you are using Capital Windhelm Expansion, then WindhelmSSE.esp must load after Ryn's Farms.esp. The two mods don't need any patch if following this load order.
- Consistent and Open Capital WIndhelm would normally need a patch with Ryn's Farms, but the conflicts are resolved by using the patch for Unique Windhelm Farms and respecting the following load order: Ryn's Farms.esp - WindhelmSSE.esp - Capital Windhelm worldspace consistency.esp - Unique Windhelm Farms.esp - Open Capital Windhelm.esp - Open Capital Windhelm and WIndhelm Farms Navmesh Patch.esp - Ryn's Farms - Unique Windhelm Farms patch.esp.
- If you are usingObsidian Weathers and Seasons, then Obsidian Weathers.esp should load after Ryn's Azura's Shrine.esp, Ryn's Dragon Mounds AIO.esp, and Ryn's Broken Tower Redoubt.esp.
- Ryn's Saarthal.esp needs to load after Draugr Upgrades and Improvements.esp if you want to play with Ryn's intensions for the boss.
- The patch provided here between Ryn's Farms and Landscape and Water Fixes should not be used together with the one provided at Ryn's Farms AIO - Landscape and Water Fixes. The patch provided at this page is currently much more complete, and there is anyway nothing included at the other patch that is not included here. The other patch is likely to receive an update in the near future, but the modder has told me that he is not planning to include the fix for the crimson nirnroots that is included in my patch.
Other patches for Ryn's Skyrim
Not finding the patch you are looking for? Chances are someone else has already created it. I recommend you look here and at the links found at this page: Ryn's Skyrim Official Patch Hub